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Lassing Park along St Petersburg Waterfront
Lassing Park - St Pete Top 5 Waterfront Park System Published on 01/29/21: Did you know that “...with 137 parks and 7 miles of preserved downtown waterfront, St. Pete boasts the THIRD largest urban waterfront park system in North America”? Love it, but now which waterfront park [...]
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Completed Major Upgrades | Video
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Completed Major Upgrades - Review Video Published on 01/25/21 (Video Below, Filmed When Masks Were Required to Enter - Winter the Dolphin has since passed RIP): Clearwater Marine Aquarium recently finished major upgrades, including an entire new building, so Colt and I decided to [...]
Baskin Robbins St Petersburg Ice Cream
Baskin Robbins St Petersburg Ice Cream Published on 01/22/21: Colt’s “green star” day at school afforded him the opportunity to choose an evening treat. The only requirement was to choose something locally owned/operated. Drum roll...winner was the brand new Baskin Robbins off 62 Ave North and 9th [...]
Clearwater Marine Aquarium
Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater Florida Published on 01/21/21: Apparently, this first picture illustrates why it’s “okay” if our adventures leave mom at home to jam out to 80’s tunes and read. This was her today. 🙃 Ha. But I digress. Onto the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Home [...]
American Victory Ship & Museum – Tampa
American Victory Ship & Museum in Tampa Published on 01/21/22: After the personal post yesterday, we’re back to suggesting great spots to visit around our area! Side note, most of you likely won’t see yesterday’s post in your feed. Colt and I opted against paying our normal [...]
Playground at the St. Pete Pier Downtown
The Playground at the St Pete Pier Downtown Published on 01/20/21: Have you ever visited a playground that has live music, cocktails and food service? Neither had we...until we found the St. Pete Pier Playground in downtown St. Pete! This is one of the largest local playgrounds [...]
Downtown St Petersburg Power & Sailboat Show
Saint Petersburg Power and Sailboat Show Published on 01/17/21: The largest power and sailboat show on the Gulf Coast is in downtown St Pete! Yes, that's the St Pete Power and Sailboat Show. If you've never been before, you should check it out. It's in a beautiful [...]
Your St Petersburg Realtor and Sherpa – LovingStPete
Personal Bio - Your LovingStPete Sherpa Published on 01/10/22: Hope 2022 is off to a great start for each of you! After a vacation and subsequent Covid in the family, we’re back! Ready for a new year of scouting great places to visit! First, friends suggested Colt [...]
Golf Cart Parades in St Petersburg – Holiday Golf Cart Tradition | Video
Lights of Lake Park Estates in Largo Florida, Near St Petersburg Published on 12/28/21 (scroll down for video): As we wind down December posts, I’m finding that golf cart and boat parades are a hit with many of you. With that in mind, next year (late November) [...]
Zoo Tampa Christmas in the Wild
Zoo Tampa Christmas in the Wild Published on 12/24/21: If you’re looking for something a bit different, ZooTampa at Lowry Park has “Christmas in the Wild” going on until December 30th. I just confirmed they have ticket availability between Dec 26th-30th. Cost is $29.95, though if you’re [...]