Golf Cart Parade St Pete

Christmas Golf Cart Parades Around St Petersburg Florida | Video

By Published On: December 1st, 2022

Golf Cart Parades in St Petersburg!

Published on 12/01/22 (scroll down for video): Florida life in December! My post on Monday covered ten upcoming boat parades, now onto golf cart parades. Anyone familiar or been to one? Scroll down for a video of one we attended last year, giving you an idea of what to expect. Well, minus the very excited 6-year-old and discussions on who’s the best in-law. 😉

New LovingStPete YouTube Channel

Additionally, you’ll find another golf cart parade video on the brand new LovingStPete YouTube channel. 🎥 (I’d love if you gave it a follow! Original channel was deleted, started from scratch.)

Viewing Golf Cart Parades

In my opinion, golf cart parades are trickier for viewing than boat parades. I say this because they’re typically in residential neighborhoods and may not always follow the preset paths (often more informal).

In short, residents of the neighborhood decorate their golf carts, add music and inflatables, then play follow-the-leader around the area. Makes for a fun community event!

If you live in a neighborhood with a golf cart parade, easy! If you don’t, you’ll want to find a nearby park or public area to watch along a curb, being mindful to avoid private property. Similar to boat parades, check online for date changes due to weather etc.

Some Golf Cart Parades in Pinellas County

Here are a few run by organizations and/or serve as fundraisers with for instance food trucks. As always, you’re welcome to add others in the comments! I’m only scratching the surface, as many neighborhoods host them. If nothing else, let this post be a nudge to ask neighbors if your area hosts a golf cart parade!

Sat, Dec 10th 6pm: City of Oldsmar at their Public Library – 400 St Petersburg Dr E, Oldsmar.

Sat, Dec 17th: Crystal Beach/Palm Harbor. Best viewing for public is at the Live Oak Park near the water.

Sat, Dec 17th: Dunedin. Route begins ar VFW Post 2550 at 360 Douglas Ave and ends after the loop at Mease Manor.

Thurs, Dec 22nd 6-9pm around the Shore Acres area. This is a fundraiser for the Police Athletic League with @MNM BBQ food truck and shirts for sale.

Mon, Dec 19th 5:30pm – Madeira Beach. Public event at the Holiday Isles Elks Lodge #1912. 14111 E Parsley Drive, Madeira Beach.

My LovingStPete Team at HB Realty gives you up to $10K at closing when you use us to buy or sell a property! I’m a St Petersburg Realtor who knows our area well.  Simply message me to find out how much you would receive. My LovingStPete guide is followed by over 25K people on social media.

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Written by : St Petersburg Realtor, Mike Braswell

Mike Braswell is a St Petersburg Realtor, serving St Pete, Clearwater, all nearby beaches and more. He's part of the LovingStPete Team at Keller Williams. Mike, Leah, and Ryan are the trusted real estate team in our area.

Mike's Cell: 727-510-1084

Email: [email protected]

Mike founded a property advertising business and operated for 10+ years as CEO/Owner, eventually acquired by VRBO. Mike enjoys boating and is an avid tennis player. Mike grew up on an avocado farm with 15+ varieties, some of which you can find in our local Publix/Winn Dixie as his dad still farms the same farm at 88 years old!

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