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Valhalla Bakery St Petersburg on Central Avenue
Valhalla Bakery on Central Ave in St Pete Published on 08/26/21: This weekend we checked out Valhalla Bakery in St Pete, owned by Celine Duvoisin! If you aren’t already familiar with this gem on Central Ave, you should visit! Celine is focused on creating vegan desserts that [...]
Dolphin Racer Speedboat in Pasadena FL – Dolphin Surfing | Video
Dolphin Racer Speedboat in Pasadena FL - Dolphin Surfing | Video Published on 8/23/21 (scroll down for video): Here’s some video from our trip last week aboard Dolphin Racer Speedboat near St Pete Beach. Could have included many more clips of dolphin surfing, jumping, playing, though nothing [...]
Dolphin Racer Speedboat St Pete Beach Review
Dolphin Racer Speedboat - Dolphin Tour! Published on 08/20/21: Dolphin Racer was a blast! First, we have two pairs of tickets for two lucky followers to watch dolphins wake surf! To enter, simply comment on Facebook or Instagram (@LovingStPete) with your favorite local water activity! We would [...]
Boca Ciega Park in Seminole Florida
Boca Ciega Park in Seminole, Just North of St Pete Published on 08/13/21: After a memorable summer, we’re now working to blend our ‘adventure’ schedule into the school routine, thus slow on posting. One of the easiest afterschool adventures has been to visit the local nature parks. [...]
Gulf Coast Seafood Market in Gulfport
Gulf Coast Seafood Market in Gulfport Published on 08/04/21: Before I tell you about one of the most popular fresh seafood markets in our area, I’d first like to congratulate @DianaKane19 on Instagram and Jan Stephens Pierce on Facebook! They won the $20 gift cards to Sub [...]
Drone Light Show in St Petersburg Florida, Near New Pier | Video
Drone Light Show in St Petersburg Florida, Near New Pier | Video Published on 08/01/21 (scroll down for video): Last night’s St Pete Pier drone light show! The synchronization and light cast onto the water is incredible. This was a celebration was sponsored by Duke Energy to [...]
Another Olympic Gold for Clearwater’s Bobby Finke
Pinellas Native Bobby Finke wins Gold at the Olympics! Published on 08/01/21: Third GOLD medal won by Pinellas County residents! Congratulations to Bobby Finke for bringing home the Gold in the 1500 meter freestyle! Has been fun for Colt (my 6 yr old son) and I to [...]
Sub Zero St Petersburg Nitrogen Ice Cream
Sub Zero St Pete - Nitrogen Ice Cream! Published on 08/01/21: Gayle and Gene opened Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream because “there’s something about ice cream that’s bigger than food. Ice cream is magic, people always leave happy. Our mission is to make people’s day better.” Giveaway [...]
Pinellas local Ana Zolotic wins Gold at Olympics
Pinellas Local Ana Zolotic wins Gold at the Olympics! Published on 07/29/21: Another GOLD medal won by a Pinellas local!! This one from Largo’s Ana Zolotic, the first U.S. woman ever to win gold in Taekwondo!! Congratulations, Ana! Has been fun for my 6 yr old and [...]
Pinellas Native Bobby Finke wins Gold at Olympics
Pinellas Native Bobby Finke wins Gold at the Olympics! Published on 07/29/21: While 99% of the time I provide activity ideas, the other 1% is reserved for when (ie) Pinellas locals win Gold in the Olympics!! Congratulations to Bobby Finke, winner of the men’s 800-meter freestyle overnight!!! [...]